Our forfathers left England for the New World----AMERICA. We were still under English rule and such had to pay taxes to England. The "Intolerable Acts" whcih brought out the beginning of our brake from England included:
Forcible Quartering or English Troops in American Homes
The deportation of "Political Prisoners to London for trial
The closing of Boston Harbor which crippled the economy of New England
The Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded the ships from England carrying tea for which America had to pay taxes. This was December 16, 1773. Thus began our fight to gain our independance from England.

We are now in the same position with our US Government!
Washington told the Virginia Lesgislature he was prepared to raise a regiment of 1000 men, pay for their muskets and clothing and march to Boston to prepare for War if it came. He told the state assembly
"Shall we after this, whine and cry for relief, when we have already tried in vain? Or shall we supinely sit and see one province after another fall prey to despotism?"
A continental congress was formed and our fight for our American Liberty began.
We are currently in the fight to regain our country once more. Our tea party's are our fight to stop the take over of our great America which has been under the protection of God. Our tea party's are to protect our liberties. If we don't fight for what our forefathers fought for and gave us, we will lose it all not to a foreign country, but to a government take over of all we hold dear. Each day that goes by more and more of our freedoms are taken away. Let's fight to save our freedoms and our country that our forefathers fought so hard to give us!

We are currently in the fight to regain our country once more. Our tea party's are our fight to stop the take over of our great America which has been under the protection of God. Our tea party's are to protect our liberties. If we don't fight for what our forefathers fought for and gave us, we will lose it all not to a foreign country, but to a government take over of all we hold dear. Each day that goes by more and more of our freedoms are taken away. Let's fight to save our freedoms and our country that our forefathers fought so hard to give us!

Visit the Site below for a great narrative about the Boston Tea Party and comments from an Eyewitness as well.
Its hard to beleive that in this short 200 plus years we have moved from people who loved freedom and would gladly die to protect it to ones who will gladly trade freedom for supposed security from a group of people giving them "change" by any other name.